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All too easy roast chicken

2011 May 10
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by admin

You can’t go very wrong with this recipe. It’s always been something I fall back on if I want something that’s straightforward, hassle free, quick, and easy to prepare.

1.5kg whole chicken
fresh thyme
1 lemon
4 shallots
salt and pepper
For the gravy:
1 tbsp cornflour
1 cup boiling water

Pre-heat the oven to 200c.

Place the chicken on a roasting tray. Cut the lemon in half, and place it in the chicken’s cavity. Peel and cut in half the shallots and garlic, and also place in the chicken.

Cover the chicken with the oil and thyme (or any other mixed herbs). Place any other vegetables you would like to serve with the chicken in the roasting tray.

Cook until the juices run clear, or 20 minutes per 450 grams + 20 minutes.

Half way through cooking, or at more regular intervals, spoon some of the juices over the chicken to keep it moist and enables the spread of more flavourings around the chicken meat.

To make the gravy:
You would find that this is also a great way to clean the baking tray…
Place the chicken on a separate tray, and cover with foil to keep it warm. Add a tablespoon of cornflour to the juices in the baking tray, with the cup of boiling water. Place over a low heat and stir with either a fork or wooden spoon, making sure there are no lumps. Keep stirring until you get the consistency you desire.

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