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Lamington-top Baked Cheesecake

2010 August 15
by admin

lamington-top cheesecake
   I really wanted to give the baked cheesecake a bit of a twist, and also had in mind to bake a batch of lamingtons. So why not merge the two….

For the cheesecake

9 digestive biscuits
60g butter, melted
200g cream cheese
500g marscapone cheese
2 tbsp plain flour
175g castor sugar
a few drops of vanilla extract
2 eggs and 1 yolk

For the lamington topping

10g butter
250g icing sugar
100g dark chocolate
60ml milk
200g desiccated coconut

To make the cheesecake:

Heat the oven to 180C. Crush the biscuits, and mix with the butter. Press the biscuit mixture into a 20cm springform tin and bake for 5 minutes, then cool.
Beat the cream cheese and marscapone with the flour, castor sugar, vanilla, eggs, and egg yolk until light and fluffy. Pour into the tin and bake for 40 minutes until slightly wobbly in the centre. Leave in the tin to cool.

To make the lamington top:

Place the icing sugar, dark chocolate, butter and milk into a bowl and place over simmering water. Stir constantly until melted and well combined.

When the cheesecake is still in its tin and cooled down, pour the icing mixture over the top and spread over to cover with a knife. Sprinkle on the coconut and place in the fridge to set.

2 Responses leave one →
  1. August 26, 2010

    Mmmm yum.

  2. March 9, 2011

    Oh my – I think I was to get in the kitchen and cook this right now ! What a great recipe.

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